About Upstate Makes

Sustainability through applied materials innovations and adoption to solve the environmental challenges of manufacturers.

NSF Engines Development Awardee

Advancing a materials innovation ecosystem for manufacturing sustainability in upstate New York (NY)

Upstate Makes was awarded ~$1m by the U.S. National Science Foundation to lay the foundation for emerging hubs of innovation and potential future NSF Engines.   NSF Engines aspire to catalyze robust partnerships to positively impact the economy within a geographic region, address societal challenges, advance national competitiveness and create local, high-wage jobs.

Coalition of Partners in Upstate New York

Significant Infrastructure

Upstate New York benefits from an advanced materials innovation engine, characterized by millions of dollars of annual public investment and an existing network of collaborative government-academic industry partnerships that are supported by Empire State Development (ESD).

Led by FuzeHub, a not-for-profit economic development organization with a proven track record of putting public investment dollars into action in a low-overhead, highservices model. In its seventh year as the ESD-designated Statewide NY Manufacturing Extension Partnership Center, FuzeHub addresses more than 200 annual requests for assistance from companies, and since its inception in 2013.

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